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A Guide to Efficiency, Security, and Cost Savings in Authorities, Offices, and Municipalities

In the public sector, you face the challenge of designing your VDI or DaaS to be not only efficient and secure but also cost-effective. In our exclusive webinar, presented by Unicon and Rangee, we delve deep into the world of IT in the public sector, offering a comprehensive guide to efficiency, security, and cost savings for authorities, offices, and municipalities.

  • Efficiency Enhancement through Tailored Solutions:
    Discover how tailored solutions from Rangee and Unicon meet the specific requirements of the public sector and boost operational efficiency.
  • Security as a Priority:
    Learn how to meet the high demands of data protection and compliance in the public sector while ensuring low failure rates through embedded hardware.
  • Cost Optimization without Compromise:
    Discover VDI strategies that enable cost-effective digitization without compromising on security and efficiency. Benefit from the extended lifespan of Rangee hardware and significantly reduced energy consumption.
  • Successful Use Cases:
    Real-world examples showcase how authorities and municipalities already benefit from collaborating with Unicon and Rangee.
  • Partnership and Support:
    Gain insights into the collaborative efforts and direct support that Unicon and Rangee offer to public institutions.

February, 29th  I  5:00 pm CET

Target Audience:

This webinar is tailored for IT decision-makers, executives, and professionals in the public sector seeking proven methods to optimize their organizations' VDI or DaaS.

Webinar Registration